Karkidaka Masam is the last and twelfth month in the Malayalam calendar. In 2018, Karkidaka Masam started on 17 July and ends on 16 August. The month comes with raging monsoons, brings farming to a halt and confines people to their homes.
Most of the temples in Kerala will conduct Ganapathy Homam in the mornings and Bhagavthi Seva in the evenings throughout Karkidakam. This is to protect the devotees from natural calamities, illness etc. Hence offer a Ganapathi Homam at the temple for the well-being of your family.
Ganapathi Homam in Karkidaka Masam
Ganapathi Homam is beneficial for removal of Kalikala durithangal and doshangal especially if done in Karkidaka Masam which is known as Duritha Masam. Please contact Ambalavattam Poojari, Sri Murali Shanthi, on mobile 9747566385 for performing Ganapathi Homam.
Offerings at Ambalavattam Temple
You are all aware that in recent months the costs of pooja materials have gone up significantly. In consultation with family members, the trustees of Ambalavattam Temple have decided to increase the cost of offerings. You will be able to view the new changes under the tab Offerings on our website.
Navaratri Pooja 2018
The festivities for Navaratri Pooja will begin on 10 Wednesday, October 2018 and end on Thursday, 18 October 2018. We will celebrate Navaratri at Ambalavattam Temple with the customary zeal. Please send us your liberal contributions well in time.
We will inform you the detailed agenda for Navaratri Pooja. Please block your travel dates to visit the temple.
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