We are happy to announce that we will conduct Noorum Palum at Ambalavattam Temple, Thalassery on Saturday, 8 September 2018. This will correspond to 23 Chingam, 1194, Ayilyam Star in Malayalam calendar. The pooja will begin at 8:00 am and end at 12:30 pm.
Noorum Palum
Every year, we perform Noorum Palum at Ambalavattam Temple. We offer the pooja to Nagaraja and Naga Yakshi to keep off Sarpa Dosham and Rahu Dosham. The belief is that by offering Noorum Palum to Nagas, we get their blessings to ensure the well-being of all family members. The main ritual consists of bathing the deities with milk mixed with rice powder. Afterwards, the deities get a shower of turmeric powder.
The legend goes that Lord Vishnu had treated the burns of snakes using a mixture of tender coconut water, turmeric powder and arecanut flowers. The mixture is known as Noor. The snakes recovered fully after the treatment. This took place on the day of Ayilyam star. The star is therefore favoured for the worship of Nagas.

New Pooja Timings
For the information of all family members and devotees, the new pooja timings are 6:00 to 8:00 am and 6:00 to 7:00 pm, daily. On festival days, the temple will be open to suit the special poojas. You can view the pooja timings on our website too.
Devotees can donate through cheques or online bank transfers. Please draw cheques in favour of Ambalavattam Temple Trust. Make the contributions in Indian rupees only. This is to fulfill Government of India regulations.
If you have questions, please use the Contact Form to get in touch with us. Post comments in the box below.