The annual Pratishta Dinam will be celebrated as usual on 28 March. Saktheya Pooja will be on 27 March. The detailed programme is as shown below.

We are this year celebrating the twelfth anniversay of Punapratishta. It has been recommended by tantris that we do two major poojas later in the year: Ashtabandha Kalasham and Parihara Kriyakal. We will have to fund the poojas through generous donations from family members.

Please make arrangements to visit the temple and attend the celebrations on 27 and 28 March. The dates for Ashtabandha Kalasham and Parihara Kriyakal will be announced later.

The notice in Malayalam is as shown below.

Young members of Ambalavattam family are also encouraged to make liberal contributions and attend the poojas. Payments may be made by cheque or NEFT in favour of Ambalavattam Temple Trust. For more information, please call Sri A.K. Umanath on 94 46 253330.