Gallery of Photos from Ambalavattam

I came across the photos on a visit to Ambalavattam in November 2009.  They were hung on the wall in one of the upper rooms inside the padippura. Please click on a photo to see it larger inside a lightbox. I have done some restoration with Photoshop adjustments.

I could recognise Ramakrishnettan. And the parade ground probably is at Madras Regimental Centre, Wellington. The other two persons I have not been able to place.


8 thoughts on “Gallery of Photos from Ambalavattam”

  1. Thank you for the photos. I too recognised Ramakrishnattan but not the others. I wonder who can tell us?

    1. Deepika Sadasivan

      Hi, so excited to see these pics. The Major was my dad M A Sadasivan’s brother and the lady was his eldest sister. Never met her. Dr. Karunakaran and she were Soujiechis, Hyma Bal and Chandrahas’ parents. Karunan uncle’s house in Temple Gate was called Sri Karuna where we’d visit on our holidays at Telly. When Panangadan house was sold- so unfortunate, we spent our vacation at Sri Karuna where Hymechi lived. Fun days never to be got back.

      Would you have any more such pics? And would you have any of dad’s father?

      1. Hi, Thank you for all the info. These photos I got from Ambalavattom. Had done some retouching as the photos were not in good condition. I had met Sadashivetten long time back in Bombay.
        If I get any more photos, will let you know.

        1. Meghna Hindocha

          Achana’s sister was quite pretty. We used to call my grandfather, M.A. Sadasivan, “Achana”.

  2. Major P.Haridas

    Though I am not from Ambalavattam family,I have long association with members of the family.My grandfather’s brother ,Velandy Govindan had married from Ambalavattam.I think his wife’s name is Devaki,mother of A V Bharatan,Laxmanan & Suseela…….What prompted me now to write these words:the photograph of Dr Karunakaran ,seen published elsewhere.I remember him as a very energetic gentleman.always on his dear bicycle visiting patients /friends.He always had a kind disposition towards me,not that I knew the reasons for the same.Whenever he met me he used to dismount from his bicycle to have a few words He was the one who attested my certificates when I applied for commission in the Army,some 40 odd years back.He was not authorised to attest then, as he was retired;but he assured me that everything would turn out OK;so it was!Thank you for those nostalgic memories.

    1. Major P.Haridas

      The photograph on right top is that of Dr Karunakaran,who used to have his consulting room in Temple Gate, Tellicherry.

  3. priya manilal

    The photo is of my grandfather n grandmother,I am hymabals youngest daughter.on our visit to ambalavattam last weak we also saw these snaps,ramakrishnamaman is also in that photo.whenever we talk of ramakrishnamaman we sing that song “nine green bottles hanging on the wall”.It seems he always sings that song whenever he is high.Good old memories.

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